Matisse, Henri. La Raie Verte "The Green Line.". 1905.
Oil & tempera on canvas. Statens Musseum for Kunst, Copenhagen.
Matise is considered to be one of the founders of fauvism, a movement known for there the lyrical use of color, especially expressed well in his painting 'the green line.'The Green Line ' also known as ‘'Madam Matisse' is a famous portrait of Matisse's wife where he use colour to convey her personality and his feel for her .
The fauvist concern them with many similar theories as Wallis Kandinsky andy Johann Wolfgang von Goethe . They used colour subjectively rather than realistically. in this painting in particular, Matisse attempts to express varying emotions surrounding the shis wife)mainly through the colours used within the portrait. He uses many bright and bold colours, possibly representing the strong feelings towards his wife (warm colours representing love and passion); in contrasr to the yellow on her face may be portraying a harder, unemotional (and perhaps sickly) personal trait when contrasted with the warmer orange and pink.

Sonya Winner, After Matisse
(i thought this an interesting example of how Matisse colour
palette impacter other artist maybe not for its deeper meaning in this case, but interesting non the less)